Guidelines to minimize Grain dust Explosion conditions
1.Maintain a rigorous housekeeping and sanitation program inside the grain elevator structure. Keep grain dust cleaned up in all working areas of the elevator.
2. Implement a weekly or bi-weekly (or as specified by the manufacturer) bearing lubrication program, based on the bearing manufacturer's specifications.
3.Use a food-grade mineral oil spray system on grain transfer and load out.
4. Install bearing temperature monitors on leg boot, head, and knee pulley shafts, on horizontal drag head and boot bearings, and on belt conveyor drive and idler bearings.
5. Install belt rub sensors inside bucket elevator leg casings ti detect belt misalignment to prevent friction heating.
6. Maintain a periodic (weekly or bi-weekly) beating temperature monitoring program. Document periodic bearing temperature readings and compare with previous readings. A substantial bearing temperature increase (10 to 20 F or more in a week or two) may indicate bearing failure and the need to replace the bearing.
7. Replace steel cups with plastic cups in elevator legs.
8. Use anti-static belting material in legs and horizontal belt conveyors.
9. Install quick-opening clean out doors on leg boot side panels for grain and dust clean out.
10. Install dust aspiration systems at grain transfer points or ventilation systems in tunnels and galleries with open conveyors, and ruck dump pits where dust accumulation is a problem.
11. Install dust aspiration or suction ventilation systems on inside enclosed legs and conveyors to keep suspended dust below MEC levels.
12. Clean out dust collectors and change filter bags at intervals recommended by the manufacturer.
13. Clean out dust cyclone collector holding bins at scheduled intervals.
14. Install dump pit baffles on truck dump pits to provide a major reduction in airborne dust during dumping operation.
Buss, kenneth L. 1981. Dust control for Grain Elevators, National Grain and Feed Association, Washington,DC ,pp.64-87
Gillis,Joseph P 1998.Retrofitting and construction Grain Elevators, National Grain and Feed Association, Washington,DC,pp.42-43
Parnell,Calvin. 1998.Agricultural Dust Explosions in 1997.
Department of Grain science, Kansas state University,manhattan, kan.,February 27, 1998,5 pp
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